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Shape your booty + Give me detox + cellulite-creme mit kühleffekt
€47.80 -18% €39.21 39.2060951 InStock
Zwei unserer flüssigen Ergänzungsmittel und die Cellulite-Creme mit kühlendem Effekt, für eine Wirkung von innen und von außen.
Shape your booty - Nahrungsergänzungsmittel : Cellulite ist vor allem daran erkennbar, dass auf Beine und Pobacken Hautunebenheiten präsent sind. Für diese Art von Fettablagerungen gibt es verschiedene Ursachen – wie etwa Störungen der Mikrozirkulation. Wähle spezielle Produkte, wenn du dich um das Wohl deines Organismus kümmern willst.
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel auf der Basis von konzentriertem Saft aus Wassermelone und Aronia und Extrakten aus Wassernabelkraut, Steinklee, Ananas und Aronia. ​Glutenfrei – laktosefrei – vegan.

Give me detox – Nahrungsergänzungsmittel: Wähle spezielle Produkte, um den Körper zu entwässern oder zu entschlacken. Finde dein Gleichgewicht wieder und fühle dich besser im Alltag. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel auf Basis von Saftkonzentrat von Açai und Holunder mit Pflanzensaftextrakten aus Birke und Mariendistel. Glutenfrei – laktosefrei – vegan.

Shape your booty - cellulite-creme mit kühleffekt: Straffend + tonisierend: kosmetische Behandlung, die auf das unschöne Erscheinungsbild von Cellulite mit 97,5% Inhaltsstoffen natürlichen Ursprungs einwirkt. Mit Rosa Pfeffer-Extrakt, der dazu beiträgt, Fetteinlagerungen und den Orangenhauteffekt zu reduzieren, und einem fermentierten Meeresextrakt mit straffender Wirkung, der hilft, die Silhouette neu zu definieren.

Die Gel-Creme mit Kühleffekt durch das Menthol natürlichen Ursprungs kann auch von Personen verwendet werde, die unter Kapillarfragilität leiden. Enthält keine Jodquellen.
item code: BUNDLE_302
A sweet fruit that is nonetheless low in calories, due to the fact it consists largely of water. Its juice is rich in substances with draining, purifying and detoxifying properties, which help to fight the biological mechanisms linked to the formation of cellulite. Rich in vitamins and mineral salts, which can help to restore the hydrosaline and vitamin balance both during the drainage action and after sweating.
The sap of the Birch tree, known for its diuretic and cleansing properties, helps improve the circulation of the lymphatic system. These features make it an ally for women who are fighting water retention. The benefits offered stem from the presence of flavonoids that stimulate urine production and thereby help eliminate excess liquids. It also prevents the proliferation of bacteria that can cause inflammation or urinary tract infections.
also known as chokeberry, this plant is typically found in North America, and produces dark berries that look like blueberries. These berries are rich in vitamins, minerals and polyphenols, substances that fight oxidation in tissues affected by micro-circulation issues.
Fermented marine extract
A toning active that boosts the production of adiponectin, a substance that helps the body burn fat as it does when exercising. The effect is a firmer body, with more elastic skin and a more defined silhouette. The action of this active is targeted at the thighs and abdomen area.
Flebo tonic mix
A balanced blend of liquid extracts of centella, pineapple and melilot with a draining and phlebotonic action. Centella helps to combat peripheral venous insufficiency, which causes swelling, cellulite and "orange peel" skin; melilot helps to reduce swelling in the lower limbs, as well as the feeling of heavy legs and ankles and cellulite; pineapple helps to fight cellulite and combat fluid retention, as well as reducing tissue inflammation.
Pink pepper extract
Reduces perilipin synthesis resulting in reduced lipid storage.It also has toning and microcirculation stimulating properties.
Elderberry active water, obtained by macerating select berries in water, abounds in antioxidants and antibacterial substances. It is also ideal for treating impure and sensitive skin, helping reinforce the skin's protective barrier.

The Elderberry juice concentrate works from the inside and has a diuretic action favouring the drainage of body fluids.
Bluish berries from the South American rainforests, a very rich source of anthocyanins - a plant pigment and the source of the characteristic colour -, fibre, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. Specifically, the anthocyanins are antioxidants capable of fighting the premature ageing of cells and tissues. They are three times as effective as bilberries.
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