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skincare essential

skincare essential

Reinigungsmousse + Gesichtsserum mit Hyaluronsäure + Augencreme
€65.70 -31% €45.28 45.2783376 InStock
Unsere Bestseller: eine Reinigungsmousse, ein Hyaluronsäure-Serum und eine Augencreme mit Hyaluronsäure und Peptiden.
Feeling myself – reiningungmousse: Mit 98,2 % Inhaltsstoffe natürlichen Ursprungs. Reinigt + klärt: Beseitigt schonend Verschmutzungen und hinterlässt die Haut weich und rein. Mit Kornblumen- und Kamillenwasser.

I am so smooth - gesichtsserum mit hyaluronsäure: Mit 97,9 % Inhaltsstoffen natürlichen Ursprungs. Spendet Feuchtigkeit + beugt Falten vor: Feuchtigkeitsbooster für Gesicht und Hals mit Hyaluronsäure in drei unterschiedlichen Molekulargewichten, die dazu beiträgt, Alterungserscheinungen der Haut vorzubeugen, sowie Granatapfel- und Blutorangenextrakt mit glättender Wirkung. Festigt und revitalisiert die Haut.

Smiling eyes – augencreme: Mit 97% Inhaltsstoffen natürlichen Ursprungs. Das Ergebnis ist ein entspannteres und strahlenderes Aussehen. Für alle Hauttypen. Augenärztlich getestet.
item code: BUNDLE_301
camomile water
Camomile symbolises strength and resistance because its relaxing properties let you fight the strains of everyday life. The hydrolate in camomile is an excellent soother, especially good for people with very sensitive skin.
cornflower water
Cornflower is a beautiful flower with blue petals. It makes you think of sensitivity, delicateness and freshness. Cornflower water has calming, soothing and decongestant properties. It is very effective at soothing redness around the eyes and is also an excellent tonic and make-up remover for the eyes.
haematococcus pluvialis microalga
Haematococcus pluvialis, a green, single-cell microalga belonging to the Haematococcaceae family. It is a particularly concentrated natural source of astaxanthin, with antioxidant and photoprotective properties. This microalga is recommended for antioxidant support and has revitalising and restructuring properties.
pomegranate extract
Pomegranate extract: Pomegranate is the fruit of love and happiness. Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin C, which contributes to the formation of collagen, pomegranate is an essential anti-ageing ingredient capable of favouring cellular regeneration and skin repair.
Peptides are substances present in nature and in our body. They are like chains formed by many small rings linked to each other: these small rings are called amino acids. The peptide which is present in the eye cream Smiling Eyes is made up of 6 amino acids. Already widely used in skin care, it protects and intensifies the natural color of eyelashes, creating the optimal condition for increasing their pigmentation.
Hyaluronic acid
This substance is naturally produced by our bodies to help moisturise and protect tissues. Hyaluronic acid can be found at high, medium or low molecular weight. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid: creates a protective film on the uppermost layer of skin, keeping water in tissues from evaporating and thereby preserving moisture over time. Medium molecular weight hyaluronic acid: increases the elasticity of the skin. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid acts deeper in the skin and helps reduce wrinkles.
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